Fact Check

See something on Curious Archive that’s incorrect?

I try my best to ensure all historical information on Curious Archive is accurate and that I use legitimate and well-researched sources. However, this is also a one woman show so once in a while an error might unintentionally slip through the cracks. Please let me know if you notice any of the following:

  • Incorrect dates, names, or locations (including spelling)
  • Outdated historical information
  • A broken link or any issues with a source
  • Anything that’s simply not true or inaccurate

Please send me a message through the Curious Archive Contact Form with the name of the post, a description of the error, and a link to a credible source showing the correct information.

In terms of information regarding hauntings, cryptids, portals to other dimensions, urban legends, extra-terrestrials, secret societies, and conspiracy theories — most of these things are impossible to prove one way or another and based entirely on hearsay, word of mouth, tabloid newspapers making outrageous claims, and websites with questionable credibility. I tend to approach these topics in a more sceptical leaning way while acknowledging that they’re incredibly fun and interesting to read about and that some people really do believe that they’re true. Therefore, I work with what I have and try to keep a fine balance between the historical/sociological/cultural context of these beliefs while exploring more esoteric topics. This website is called Curious Archive after all, the most interesting stories tends to be about the things we can’t explain!

Having said that, if you have another version of one of the stories I’m telling, I’d love to hear it! Especially if you’re from the area that the story originated from.

Thank you in advance for contributing to the quality and accuracy of Curious Archive!

Chatsworth House, Bakewell, United Kingdom. Photo by Thomas Kelley on Unsplash